Monday, July 18, 2011

Tateossian Cufflinks

Impressive looking cufflinks from Tateossian. Selling on ebay at USD 160.00.

"They feature a series of cogs and gears inside a square framed front section, which freely rotate around a central pivot. Complete with a gunmetal finish."


  1. i know i’m a little off topic, but i just wanted to say i love the layout of your blog. i’m new to the blogegine platform, so any suggestions on getting my blog looking nice would be appreciated.

  2. Thx. Actually I pretty much followed the instructions provided by the Blogger when I started. I just blog abt my hobbies and anything that I find interesting. One thing though, I'll always try to link the posts to the original sites they were from so it's easy for anyone who wants more details. Cheers!

  3. i know i’m a little off topic, but i just wanted to say i love the layout of your blog. i’m new to the blogegine platform, so any suggestions on getting my blog looking nice would be appreciated.

  4. think it's difficult to know where to start, but you've done a great job. will keep checking here for updates, and as a useful reference to how it should be done!
