Friday, April 17, 2009

Goals in life

I've notice a trend in my life when it comes to weight. It yo-yos up and down depending on different stages of my life or festive seasons. I'm currently in the "chub" stage and I've finally decided to stop lying to my self that my pants still fit fine.

It's time to do something about it again (it's a freaking bloody cycle!).

So things that I have to do:

1. Watch my diet
- cut down on junk food (already down to at most once a week)
- cut down on soda drinks (greatly cut from the days when "coke = water")
- eat healthy. Okay, I don't consider myself a hardcore foodie where I'll travel from East to West just to try the new Lost&Found stall. But I'm not about to bid farewell to everything "unhealthy". I believe in moderation.
- drink more water (doing well I think)

2. Exercise
- I do love to run but have never been able to keep to any exercise plans i.e. weights 2 - 3 times and cardio another 2 - 3 times a week. My habit of setting goals to rescue my long gone 6 packs by aiming for an upcoming wedding has been a total failure time and again. Another wedding coming in end May. Maybe this time...

3. Healthy Lifestyle
- Oral Hygiene - Floss more often now
- I'm a relatively clean and well groomed person. Hardly had a nose hair hanging outside for fresh air
- NEED to improve my sleeping habits though. Often foiled by evil being, oh the dark side...

There are a thousand and one more points I can think of but I'm just not the wordy kinda guy so that's all for now. Results are always better than words don't cha think so.

Pray this never happens to me.

Did a run ard the estate. It's a start.

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